What to do . . .
I'm still trying to decide what I am going to do about my web site problem. Here's what happened - I think. I am running software called "Movable Type". There's a back end interface that I put my text and images and that automatically updates my web site online. Well, something got corrupted and slowly there's been a melt down going on. Finally it caught up to me yesterday and my login is now gone too. *sigh*
I am kicking around several ideas to correct this. One - Reupload the entire site. Two - upload entirely new software then bring it "live" when it's ready. I'm leaning toward idea One right now.
Anyway, what I was going to say yesterday: IT'S SPRING!! We went to the desert last week. Not too far from home. We went to close where the Bowen Ranch entrance is. Anyway, we saw a small seasonal stream and lots of wildflowers. Spring has sprung!!