So many toys!!
There are so many toys online I can't hardly stand it! I'm looking into integrating Flick'r. Plus There are other free portal/blogging programs out there. One I'd like to look into would be SMF. Or Drupal. Or or or or or.
And yeah. I know. I haven't been making many entries here. Lots of things have been going on too. Like going to Huntington Library and Botanical Gardens. Then my birthday trip to Disneyland (YAY!!). Then Independance Day - which sadly I was sick all day - but got to play Thief II Fan Missions most of the time (Woot!) Trip to the big city (Los Angeles) to pick up one of our servers.... Lots of stuff - just haven't been getting them put into writing form. ah where does the time go....?
Ok, some of my linkages:
Yahoo 360
More later I'm sure!!