Rofl, I need to go to Bra's Anon
So I've bit the bullet and decided I AM going to learn to make bras and underwear before the end of the year. Look at the calendar. *blink* I guess I need to get a move on! So, I ordered the patterns and started in on them. Unbelievably, the underwear were not only easy, they FIT. *shock* On to the next project. Bras.
I need more material. Ok, order some, wait wait wait. They arrive. I duplicate the pattern and try to make a bra. Don't fit! WHY?! D'oh. I realize I made the wrong size. Recut the pattern. Recut the fabric. Going along great. Now why don't this second cup fit?? What's wrong?? It's a two piece cup. I did it upside down. Oops. Seam ripper is suddenly my best friend. Resew. It STILL doesn't work. *WHINE* WHY NOT?? Inside out. *sigh*. So this is where I am. I have it repinned and will go sew it up again. Wish me luck. This is getting frustrating and I don't want to give up!