
November 2000

Saturday - November 4, 2000
7:21A : (KeoKeo - cat - watched entire seizure, Solo stayed on bed) Grand mal seizure. Barking, paddling, no loss of bladder control, eyes open. About one minute long.

During post ictal: No partial seizure, no diazepam given. Took Khiori outside to wander then back inside to wander.

8:45A : Post ictal ended. Fine the rest of the day.

Monday - November 5, 2000
Phenobarbital trough test taken. Level is at 26.

Wednesday - November 16, 2000
3:24A : Grand mal seizure. Could have been two seizures back to back. She *may* have spit out a pill in the AM dosage. Paddling, foaming, no barking, no loss of bladder control. About one minute long.

Lots of partial seizures begin after grand mal ends. Give 10mg diazepam. A lot of wandering. Move to a safe room. Post ictal ended about 5am.

Saturday - November 25, 2000
While vacuuming found a Pb pill. Didn't know how long it was there. Didn't want to overmedicate so didn't give another pill (stupid, stupid)

Sunday - November 26, 2000
5:47-5:49A : Grand mal seizure. Paddling, no barking, urinated, seemed less severe this time. No diazepam given.

Post ictal: Wandering, some recognition, some panting, seems to be less severe this time.

6:11A : Sat on floor with Khiori and spoke with her while holding her. Seemed to relax/settle her.

6:34A : Getting better. Tail down but not tucked. Able to focus better, walking straight but still wandering. Ears low. Halts before getting into too much trouble.

7:37A : Post ictal ends with Khiori doing the happy "I haven't seen you in ages!" dance.

Thursday - November 30, 2000
10P : Notice Khiori is having partial seizures. Give 10mg diazepam.

10:35A : Falls asleep but still seizing. Five minutes later, partial seizure is over.

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