
October 2000

Tuesday - October 3, 2000
Vet Appt. Talked about the seizures. Decided to take conservative approach and wait on giving Phenobarbital. In the evening, Khiori once again has the saggy, glassy eyed look. Give 10mg diazepam in hopes of warding off a seizure.

Wednesday October 4, 2000
6:24A : Wake to see Solo trying to hold Khiori in a standing position.

6:25-6:27A : Grand mal seizure. (put Solo in "down/stay" on the bed) Barking, paddling, urinated.

6:30-6:61A : Grand mal seizure.

6:34-6:35A : Grand mal seizure.

Begins post ictal : Give 20mg diazepam with ice cream. Many 5-9 second seizures. Long time of wandering, walking into walls, walking into corners, unaware of who we are.

7:50A : Post ictal ends. Partial seizures begin.

8:15A : Go to vet. Have blood drawn for testing. Placed on 60mg Phenobarbital twice a day - 9am and 9pm.

Tuesday - October 10, 2000
6:54A : Woke up. Khiori in post ictal (Solo walking with her, keeping her off stairs and away from objects) Wandering, unresponsive, walking into walls. Some brief moments of recognition. Gave one spoon of honey.

Begins to respond to our voice. ("come back", "back up", "turn around")

7:05A : Parital seizures begin. Gave 10mg diazepam. Offered water, none taken.

7:19A : I realized how close we were to her medication time (9am) and gave her 60mg Pb.

7:48A : More recognition but still constantly pacing. Responds to my voice. Motor skills ok. Tail hanging relaxed rather than tucked.

7:50A : Khiori sits on command. Post ictal done.

Monday - October 16, 2000
5:52A : Grand mal seizure. Barking, paddling, urinated. Lasted about one minute long.

5:56A : Post ictal begins. Wandering.

6:05A : Partial seizures begin. Give 10mg diazepam. Briefly recognized me.

6:24-6:7:06A : Tail is tucked but a few minutes later begins to hang loosely. Tries to sniff and ends up walking into a corner. Walking steadily but comes to object and begins wandering again. At almost 7A, asked Khiori to sit - no response. Starting to come around though. Tail hangs loose, some yawning, some ear response.

Note: No Pb given due to Pb trough test at 8:50am

7:12A : Responding more to sounds. Tail wagging briefly.

7:14A : "Sit" - long pause, sat. Three minutes later post ictal ends.

Tuesday - October 16, 2000
Talked with vet. Pb level should be between 15-45. Khiori was at 28. Discussed two seizures since put on meds. We will now give 90mg Pb bid. (twice a day)

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